Shorts, a T-shirt or reversible, a pair of basketball sneakers (preferably not brand new), a water bottle (with a name on it), and a bag lunch with your son’s name written on it (or money to purchase lunch from the snack bar). Also, we will have some basketballs available, but players are encouraged to bring their own ball. Just be sure to clearly write their name on it! We are not responsible for lost personal items.
Please be mindful that we are a nut-free camp. Please do not bring any food containing nuts as we have several athletes with allergies. For similar reasons, children are also not permitted to share lunches or drinks. The Wolves' Den does have a snack bar available with a variety of food options as well if players would prefer to order a lunch (chicken fingers, pizza, hot dogs, and various other healthy options 😉 Players should bring their own water bottle, but water and sports drinks are also available for purchase at the snack bar for campers who are at the Den. Water and disposable cups will be provided at the SSVT location, but we recommend that players bring their own labeled water bottle.
Money, valuables, and electronic devices. These will only prove to be a distraction from the main event, namely the greatest game ever invented (Personally, I try to remember to thank Dr. Naismith daily).
I have included maps below of the Wolves Den and South Shore Vocational showing the proper locations for entering, exiting, and pickup/drop-off. When camp is over, if weather permits, players will leave the building immediately and will wait for pickup outside. Please note the appropriate lot as identified in the map to help us speed up the process. If you have more than one child at camp, just instruct them to exit together with the older sibling. Coaches will escort the players to the appropriate cars and direct traffic in the lot. As such, we ask that you tape a piece of paper to the inside of your windshield with your last name prominently displayed to facilitate the pick-up process. We will hold the cars until an entire row is filled and then release them together. Please be patient and take care to drive slowly and safely in the lot especially when exiting. We also ask that you refrain from using your cell phone while exiting the parking lot. At the Den this process is made more challenging by the necessity of taking a left out of the lot. We are consistently able to get all the players safely in their car and out of the lot in roughly 7 minutes, but we need everyone's cooperation in order to do so.
The hours for this camp are 9-2. Please make every effort to be on time for both drop-off and pick-up. Also, please do not have players enter the gym prior to 8:45 (except possibly on the first day). We will start camp promptly at 9:00 each day. If you will be arriving late or picking up early, please be sure to notify our staff and sign in/out as appropriate. For everyone’s safety, please notify me in writing if anyone other than a child’s parents will be authorized to pick them up at the end of the day (i.e. for carpooling). The easiest way is to just fill out this form now. You can also notify me of this in person during check-in or via email or text. This “alternate pick-up person” will need to confirm with our coaching staff before leaving the premises. Only a parent/legal guardian may designate an alternate, and we will not accept the word of an alternate that they have been sent to pick up a camper without confirmation from the parent.
On the first day all players must check in. If we already have a health form on record for your child (email to breakoutbasketball.assistant@gmail.com), they can proceed to the "fast lane" as early as 8:45 and a parent is not necessary. They will then be given a name tag and a camp T-shirt and they’re good to go! If you will be submitting the health form paperwork on site or would like to communicate anything with the coaching staff, we ask a parent to check them in at one of our registration tables as early as 8:35. (*Please Note: If your child requires or may require the administration of medication, please communicate with me immediately to discuss a plan and to complete this additional form.) This includes inhalers and epi-pens.
If your child is going to be absent from camp, please email or text me to let me know.
If your child has a temperature or has contracted a communicable virus, your child will not be allowed to participate at camp. If a child shows up to camp ill, they will be allowed to rest in a safe area away from the field of play and parents will be notified of their child’s condition and may be asked to come and pick them up as soon as possible. Please be aware that no individual with tuberculosis or symptoms thereof will be allowed to attend.
Prior to participation, all participants must attest that they have shown no signs or symptoms of COVID-19 for the past 5 days. Please do not have your child attend if this attestation cannot be made.
All injuries will be reported and treated by the health care supervisor in accordance with our health care policy. In the event of an injury, the camper’s parent will be contacted by the director or other camp staff. Notification will be immediate in serious or emergency situations. If the parent(s) cannot be reached, the director will determine if a call for emergency services is necessary.
Although the majority of our program is located inside a gymnasium, some campers may desire sunscreen to protect them from the sun during the times when they are outside. It is our policy that sunscreen be administered only by parents/guardians in advance. The same is true for insect repellent.
It is our job to work to ensure that each camper has a positive experience at camp. If a camper is misbehaving, our coaches will first speak with them one on one. If this does not improve the behavior, they will be asked to sit out for a time. If this is not effective, we will contact the parent or guardian. Lastly, the director reserves the right to send a camper home for the day or for the duration of the program when in his judgement, the camper’s behavior interferes with the rights of others, the smooth functioning of the camp’s activities, or violates the camp’s behavior policies. No refunds will be granted for time lost due to camper behavior.
Our policy is that refunds are available up until two weeks prior to the start of camp. After that, only partial refunds are available. Once camp has begun, camp tuition is non-refundable unless a camper withdraws for medical purposes and provides a doctor’s note at which time credit toward a future program may be issued at the discretion of the director.
All our staff have had CORI and SORI background checks as well as reference checks. Any question, concern, or grievance can be addressed by contacting the director via email.
Our full discipline, health care, background check, abuse prevention, and other policies as well as state-mandated information regarding recreational camps including information regarding preventing meningococcal disease, can be found by visiting breakoutbasketball.weebly.com/parents or upon request.
Don’t forget to follow BreakoutBasketballAcademy on Facebook & Instagram! We are also on Twitter @BreakoutBasket1. Just click on these links and you’ll be done in a matter of seconds! Also, if you haven’t already, it would be helpful if you could add BreakoutBasketballAcademy@gmail.com to your contacts list to avoid having important information inadvertently sent to your junk mail folder.
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions. Simply email the director at breakoutbasketballacademy@gmail.com.